Algebraic Number Theory Sheet 1
Here are some solutions to the algebraic number theory coursework sheet 1. I am eventually bending to pressure and making them available. However, be warned that the material in sheet 1 is entirely of...
View ArticleDivision of ideals
Hi, I have a couple of questions concerning algebraic number theory. Why does contains imply divides ? Firstly assuming contains how do we know there exists a fractional ideal such that and then how do...
View ArticleAlgebraic geometry revision
There will be a further revision session for algebraic geometry this Thursday, 15 April, in my office. Check the directions on my webpage for getting to my office. I’ll come to open the door at 4 PM.
View ArticleAlgebraic number theory revision
There will be a revision session for algebraic number theory on Tuesday, 4 May, 2-4 pm in room 505. By this time, you should have read the notes several times and seriously attempted all practice...
View Article3704 Office hours
Because people haven’t been coming to my office hours, I thought I’d have the one on the coming Tuesday, 26 April, in the 5th floor common room. I’ll be there from 5 to 6.
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